Monday, April 15, 2013

One More Miracle

I had a slightly less exciting miracle this week also.  I contracted shingles on my face probably because of the stress of my head infection and I was a little nervous because shingles are supposed to be extremely painful and can last a really long time.  Well, being true to my weirdness concerning most diseases, mine didn't hurt at all and they are now scabbed over and almost gone after a week and a half..  The doctors couldn't explain it because I had all the symptoms, the chicken pox like blisters and scabs and it looked yucky on my eye and forehead but it never hurt.  It felt like really mild poison oak.  A little itchy and uncomfortable.  So weird and so blessed.  If I was suffering physical pain as well as the mental pain I ended up with I would have just jumped off a bridge.  The Lord takes care of me and I am so grateful. 

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