Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Personal GPS

A few months ago Kyle and Aubrie invited me to Coronado Island to watch them take some pre-wedding pictures on the beach.  I was very nervous about this because I am pretty much lost once I leave my driveway.  Also, I was driving our very old Jeep because Savannah hadn't learned how to drive a stick yet and needed to take my car to school.  Since I love my son very much, I bravely made the trip there clinging for dear life to the GPS on my phone (which I could barely hear because the Jeep is so stinkin' loud).  We had a lovely time and then it was time to go home.  It was getting dark and I had to ask Kyle where the lights were on the Jeep.  My phone was now dangerously low on power so I was trying to find my way back on my own memory.  Ha!  Memory?  That's a laugh.  I don't have any.  Our Jeep is very gutless and windy and loud and uncomfortable so I am chugging along trying to remember where I need to go and worrying about my phone losing all power before I get lost and have to call Pat and I don't feel very comfortable driving in the dark anyway and the overwhelming feeling comes over me that I really miss my husband.  So I say outloud to myself, "Pat, I need you".  I realize that if he was there with me we would be having a blast talking about our kids and our life and I wouldn't give a second thought about our dumb Jeep or getting lost because Pat never gets lost.  I then realized that he is way more than a human GPS to me.  He always knows where we are going and how to get there and when I am with him I am never afraid.  I mean that literally and figuratively.  The Spirit guides him to guide our family and I know he would never lead any of us astray.  He is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am thankful for him every day of my life.

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