Tuesday, September 3, 2013

He Has a Porsche!

My dear sweet husband fulfilled a 40 year dream/wish for himself last month.  He bought a Porsche.  I know.  I had a heart attach too until he explained that it was old (1999) and quite a bit cheaper than the reasonably priced car he had just bought me.  After seeing this man with this toy I can honestly say that he could have paid 3 times as much for it and I wouldn't be upset.  Every day is like Christmas for him.  He will come home and say something like "It was one of those days where everything went wrong at work, I got cut off in traffic, etc. but.... I have a Porsche!" and then he grins from ear to ear.  It's now a family joke.  If anyone is having a bad day they say "but Dad/Pat has a Porsche!".  Even the daughters-in-law have caught on.  I literally laughed out loud when Aubrie texted Pat the other day, "I was having a bad day but then I remembered... YOU HAVE A PORSCHE!".  This wonderful man has sacrificed so much to make my life perfect and to give all he has to our children that I can happily and whole heartedly shout to the world, "HE HAS A PORSCHE!",

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