Saturday, May 11, 2013

My #1 Job

Mother's Day is my favorite day of the year.  I hear so many women say that they don't like Mother's Day because it reminds them of all the things they didn't do and all the things they should have done in raising their children.  I don't know why but I never think of those things.  All I think about is how much pure joy I've had for the last 31 years raising my wonderful children.  They are absolutely the light of my life.  I love them like no others and can't even begin to explain that love to someone who doesn't have children.  It's the deepest, most intense feeling in the world.  I have loved all of the things I have taught them and all of the things they have taught me.  I have loved all of the highs and lows because they have brought us closer to each other.  I really love the people my children have become.  I love spending time with them and watching them with their children.  I am beyond proud of all of them.  They are everything I hoped they would be when they grew up.  Mother's Day is my favorite day because motherhood is my life.  I don't expect presents from my kids  (and being boys I rarely get them:)).  It's just a day for me to reflect on the happiness that being a mother has brought into my life. 
Happy Mother's Day to me:)

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