Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mama's Boy

Today is my little boy's 17th birthday.  I can't believe it.  Where did all that time go?  It seems like yesterday he was threatening my best friend with death if she didn't go away and leave me alone.  (He was 3) He was really the only one of my sons who was a true "Mama's boy".  He only wanted me and hung on me 24/7, driving me nuts if I didn't hold him all the time.  I didn't appreciate it then but I do now.  I love that he loves me and I love him with all my heart.  Now that his time is limited in my home I am appreciating every minute we have together and every experience he lets me share with him.  He makes me proud in so many ways.  He is a great student and athlete but even more importantly he is a great person.  He had to give a little speech to the incoming 8th graders yesterday as one of the athletes who has a high GPA (proving that you can participate in sports and still keep your grades up) and in the middle of his speech he mentioned his little sister and pointed her out.  She was very surprised and pleased and I was so proud of him for making her so happy.  He tries very hard to do what's right and he is hilarious.  He is the most unique of my cookie-cutter boys.  5 years ago I wrote his poem for him and I'm going to post it now as a tribute to a great son. 

Mama's Boy

There's something about us, you and me,
a tie that binds us, that no one can see.
Other people have friendship and love
but you and I are a step above.
You have always been my pride and joy,
a genuine, original mama's boy.

Some might say you're just one of the crew.
How can the sixth one bring anything new?
But you and I know you are one of a kind,
the best of the bunch, there's no doubt in my mind.
The love you have for me brings me great joy,
my genuine, original mama's boy.

As you go through your life and the trials come,
and as blessed as you are you will still have some,
think of our bond and this love that we share.
That no matter what, I will always be there.
You will always be my pride and joy,
I thank the Lord that you're this mama's boy.

Happy Birthday my dearest Hunchamabilia!  I love you to pieces!

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