Monday, February 8, 2010


My poor little pregnant daughter-in-law is feeling like poop and I wondered if any of you young moms out there have any tips on how she can feel better?  Did anything in particular help you through your "morning" sickness? (Dumbest name ever.  Who is only sick in the morning?  Must have been a male doctor who came up with that one.) I would love to hear what worked for you.  Vitamins?  Special foods?  Drugs?  It's been a century since I was pregnant so I was hoping maybe modern medicine had come up with something that would help.  Let me know!


  1. I was pretty lucky in that department, but my sister swore by eating small meals more often. An empty stomach made her feel worse. I found out if I ever wasn't feeling good it was because I wasn't drinking enough water. How exciting that you will soon be a Grandma to the second power - or more - with twins in the family! Congratulations to all! Hope she feels better soon!

  2. Given, I didn't have it all that bad, but I'll tell ya what worked for me. So mine was very slight in the mornings, worse at night. In the morning, all I could stomach eating was either, toast with very little butter, or ritz crackers (a small p.s. to this not take your pre-natal vitamin after only eating a few ritz crackers. the result is booking it to the bathroom in the middle of work to spend some quality time with the toilet). at night, just resting helped a lot. taking my mind off of it helps a lot (watching movies/tv). yoga helped. eating cereal (w/milk of course) constantly.

    Pregnancy is rough, but the more you learn about it, the better off you are. Tell her to buy lots of different kinds of pregnancy books and to READ. Asking people about stuff is nice, but I learned so much just by studying it out.

  3. they have this lolipops called preggie pops you can get them at target and motherhood. i liked them and they help a little bit

  4. Drink lots of water even if you don't want to, go for short walks when you feel ok, and only take vitamins after a full meal. As for food, applesauce really works for me right now. And I ditto eating small meals and snacks throughout the whole day.

  5. NO prenatal vitamins when feeling sick! Tell her to take it during the time of day that she feels the best. If she has to skip them for a while it won't hurt the baby. Eat foods low in acid. No OJ, pinnapple etc. That will help keep her stomach's ph low. Club soda does wonders. Match that with saltines:) Ginger anything (tea, soda) helps too. Good luck!

  6. Thanks everyone! You guys are the best, and Dyanna, thanks for getting the word out there:) I love all the advice.
