Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy Birthday, Van!

My baby girl turned 14 yesterday. I can't believe it. She will be in high school in 9 months, she can go to dances now and she will be driving in a year and a half! She is a Mia Maid already and she just became a Beehive a few minutes ago. We've gone through one teenage year and it was absolutely heavenly. I pray the rest are just as good. I have a feeling they will be. This girl is the most perfect girl in the whole world. She is the perfect blend of boy and girl. She got all the calm, laid back qualities of my boys and just the right amount of gentleness and sensitivity of a girl. We never fight and I mean, NEVER. If we don't agree then we talk it out or just be quiet until it passes. She is very quick to apologize and helps me be the same way. She listens to the smart things I say and ignores the dumb things. We have so much in common that I love to be with her. We are both avid readers and love to be alone. Neither one of us need friends to hang with. We are perfectly happy either being with our family or alone. We like the same books and movies and we both love chocolate, her-white and me-dark. We don't love shopping and can only do it for short periods of time. I'm so glad she is my daughter and will be with me forever. I was reminded this holiday season of how much daughters love their mothers and how they stay close to them even after they are married and even though it's not very fun being on the boy end of that relationship, I am very grateful that I have one daughter who will love me forever and want to be with me occasionally even after she has her own family. Vannie, you are the light of my life and I love you with all of my heart. Happy Birthday!

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