Saturday, September 19, 2009

I Love My Job

Can you tell I'm in the mood to chat? After reading a friend's blog I was reminded, once again, of how much I love my job. I am a stay at home mom and it is my favorite job in the whole wide world. I've loved it since the day I got it which was on February 25, 1982. I won't be silly and say that I've loved every single minute of it because early on there were several minutes when I was not so happy and might have even been a little bored but overall I wouldn't trade it for any other job. I happen to believe that it has been the absolutely most important way I could spend my time while on this earth. It has been challenging, overwhelming at times, frustrating and monotonous but the end result has been so rewarding and has brought me such joy that I couldn't imagine spending my time on anything else. The other thing I've noticed is how short of a time it has been. I've completely raised 5 children and almost completely raised the last two and it went by in a blink! I still have plenty of time to do all the things I thought I wanted to do while I was raising them. Pretty soon I will have so much free time I will probably need to be put into a loony bin because I won't know what to do with myself. Every sacrifice was worth the relationships I now have with my kids and husband. Looking back it seems like such a small amount of time and effort even though I know it was huge in both areas. 27 years and counting! Thank you, my dear husband, for making it possible for me to stay home and raise our babies to the best of my ability. I will always be grateful to you for that blessing.


  1. Thank you for reminding me to be grateful. Love you for that!

  2. Lady D- you rock my world! I was talking to your precious hubby the other day and I've decided that I need a trip home in Oct. so I can see you and my goofy cousins:) I love and miss you to bits.

  3. So good to hear that perspective! It's a great job and you are amazing at it. I hope my family turns out as nice and as close as yours! Congrats on that adorable grandbaby, too!

  4. Hi Dyanna! So excited to find you! I completely agree - what a sacrifice and a blessing to be able to stay home. In the midst of it, I try to remind myself to enjoy each moment. They are already passing too quickly. Thanks for the reminder to be grateful!

  5. I'm glad I found your blog, I didn't know you had one! You do have a wonderful family, and I miss you all quite a bit but I'm so glad we get to hang out with Brandon whenever we're down in California. I hope you'll come see my blog too!
