Thursday, December 6, 2012

Cyber Ritas

Normally being a very private person I often wonder why I throw all my innermost thoughts out to you in cyber space and while walking this morning I think I decided that you are now taking the place of my best friend, Rita, who has moved on to way more important things than taking care of me.  I have never clicked as fast with a friend as I did with Rita.  She and I were perfectly matched.  We were almost the same age, had kids the same ages, belonged to the same church, were very equal financially and had the same interests and hobbies.  Every girl needs a best friend to listen to her because even though we have husbands, they don't really listen the way another woman does.  They listen to fix not to just hear us out.  We don't really need fixing.  We are perfectly capable of fixing things ourselves but we usually need to say things out loud until we can figure out the answers to our problems.  Once in a while we like to hear counsel from someone who has gone through it before or who might have a diffeent perspective but we are really just voicing our thoughts out loud.  Rita was the perfect friend for that.  She was very wise and smart but she never really told me what to do when I had a challenge.  She just listened and would offer thoughts if I asked for them.  She also lived her life as an example and I watched very carefully because I respected her and admired what she'd done with her family.  I don't really expect anything from you, my friends in cyber space, but I appreciate the opportunity to lay my thoughts out before you and therefore come to the answers for myself.  So, thanks for listening:)


  1. You're welcome! I read every single one of your posts, so I always listen :-)

  2. I love that -- & You --- & Rita!
