Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Football Funeral

This past spring my son got released from the BYU football team and I think it will come as a shock to some that the predominant feeling I had was....relief.  I had feelings of sorrow for him and the loss of his dream but overall I just felt overwhelming relief that he would never have to suffer an injury like I've seen in every single game I've ever watched.  I had a feeling throughout the whole last season, which was his first season, that I should appreciate every moment that he was on the team and I can honestly say that I did.  We went to every home game and a few firesides and all of the Cougar Walks and the pregame festivities.  We were there when he got to actually play in Lavell Edwards Stadium and feel the thrill of watching him run out onto the field with the rest of the team at every home game.  I absolutely loved every minute of it and felt like we had been with him for an entire 4 year career so when they released him I didn't feel like we had missed out on anything.  I still felt bad for him because his dream of playing and even going on to the next level had come to an abrupt end but when he decided to stay at BYU and not pursue a couple of other schools that showed interest in having him play, I knew that he was done and that his heart had actually switched teams to his wife and daughter.  He now works as an assistant recruiter for the team which is a little bittersweet for him.  He is helping to welcome kids to come and play in his spot and while he loves still being connected to football and getting all the perks that working for the school provides, I'm sure he still dreams of playing starting quarterback for the Cougars on a regular basis.  I will be forever grateful for the experience we got to have of being parents to a BYU quarterback but I'm also very relieved that he was able to walk away from the game in one piece and to be able to enjoy his life in full health.  I'm super proud of you, Hunter, and will always be your biggest fan.  GO COUGARS!!

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