Wednesday, October 28, 2015


There's nothing more gratifying than seeing your hard work pay off.  I spent the week in Arizona helping my son and his wife with their new baby.  It was wonderful watching them interact with each other and with their two other children.  It was obvious that they were teaching their children the very same values that we taught our children.  My son is a great dad and he is even better at many things than his own dad was and he is a pretty great dad.  One day the two older kids and I were playing with the nerf dart guns I had bought them and we discovered that Chloe (who is 2) had lost hers and she was very distraught.  We looked everywhere and couldn't find it so Landon (5) said that we needed to pray to Heavenly Father so he could help us find it.  I got all warm and fuzzy inside knowing that these little children already had the foundation of faith that would carry them through life.  I was so proud of my son and his wife for instilling that faith in them.  Landon prayed and not 10 seconds later I nearly stepped on Chloe's gun which was sitting right on the kitchen rug and blended in with the colors so completely that we initially couldn't see it.  We said a prayer of gratitude and continued playing but my prayer of gratitude will be in my heart forever for these precious souls and their valiant parents who are fighting the good fight for the only thing that matters.

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